
    01.14.22 | by Eric Segool

    Good Morning Hope Community!


    I hope you’re staying warm as today is supposed to be especially frigid. Looking on the bright side, parts of Vermont have a wind chill that’ll take them to negative 33…so, when compared to Vermont, we’re having a heatwave!


    On Sunday, we’ll continue our series on Capacity–God expanding our capacity through His endless potential! Our topic this week is depth, which is critical for a believer as they mature.


    Trials will come and go and there are times in life that can shake us to our core, but a life with depth can withstand the blows. Where problems often present themselves is in the depths of our mind, heart, and soul where there is unresolved pain. This can limit our capacity–Jesus wants to deal with the pain found in our depths, which isn’t always a comfortable place to go, but is so necessary. I look forward to sharing with you, so check out Mark 5: 21 – 34. 




    Life Catalyst


    Our Life Catalyst support group starts Monday. If you or someone you love struggles with addiction, this group could prove to be a life-changer for you in 2022. Grab a flyer in the Atrium or speak to any of the Elders for more information. 


    Parking Lot


    We are more than halfway towards our $25,000 goal to redo our parking lot. Please prayerfully consider giving. Give online.  


    Family Night: January 19 


    Our first Family Night is this Wednesday, January 19, from 6-8 p.m. We have a wonderful night planned with dinner, something for the kids, and a Bible Study and Discussion for the adults.  Sign up in the Atrium. 


    Women’s Connections & Men’s Lunch: January 23 


    The Women’s Connections meeting is next Sunday. This year we’re throwing in a twist! Guys, if your wife is attending Connections, I would love to have lunch with you! We’ll venture out to Swedesboro Diner for food and fellowship and return in time for you to pick up your wife.


    Looking forward to a wonderful year together! 




    “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”


    John 1: 4–5